A neighbor stopped me today. I asked if he could explain why people litter and he suggested that it was a cultural difference. I don't think that's the case. I'm leaning towards the theory that people need to save money to support their crack habit and can't afford to pay for City of Worcester trash bags.
Edited to add: I don't really think drugs are the cause of litter. I just, in jest, think people have got to be on some serious drugs to not care.
I do wonder though, is there some kind of program that helps people, who otherwise couldn't afford to, get City of Worcester trash bags?
I have seen clean, sober, educated people ditch their trash on park benches, or discard wrappers out of their cars and into the streets. I've seen people in three deckers trash their own yards and porches. I'm not sure why either. It's not just drug related though. It may be awareness, laziness,lack of education, or more than anything else, simply a lack of civic/community responsibility. People are also so disgruntled with local government, they feel so disenfranchised that they may also be doing if for the spite of it. The more government censors or disregards local voices the more junk we will see. Sought of quiet protest. I'm just guessing.
Recks, good points.
I sometimes wish I could be like those people and just not give a shit. Walk right by it all and not even notice or feel the need to do something about it.
I try not to judge people but I just can't justify these actions in my mind.
So, I'll keep picking up after them and encourage others to do the same.... every little bit helps. And maybe, just maybe, I can make someone think twice about throwing their coffee cup out their car window. Or leaving their empty pack of butts behind at the bus stop.
I love that you do this. But, I tend to agree with recks read - it's not just druggies that throw things away, not by a long shot. Some people just won't get it no matter how many times they are told - maybe they'd get it if they saw how extreme it can be. I was in my home country, India, a while back, the moon was full and we were on top of a small hill with a fort famous with the locals eating some yummy fried goods. It was beautiful and I turned from watching the moon from the wall I was sitting on to look behind me at what the view on the other side of the hill. To my utter disgust, the slope beyond the wall was covered completely with all sorts of rubbish. It made me sad that people don't think that that is a problem - that we make our land so ugly.
Keep up the good work, it is ACE!
That (on the yellow bags) would be a GREAT question to pose to your city councilor!
I also sent the question to the mayor and all the At-Large councilors - since my district councilor doesn't seem to think it's important to answer emails.
I'll be sure to let everyone know what I find out.
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